Monday, May 31, 2010

Not worth the paper they're printed on

I just heard from a friend that his grumbling on his personal blog got him passed over for a job, even though his qualifications were far superior to the other applicants.

Well I wanted to grumble in support of all the amazingly talented networking engineers I've met over the years that haven't wasted their time on pieces of paper. Too many corporations have been led by cfo's that are so impressed by their pieces of paper that they think promotions, hiring, and bonuses must have pieces of paper to make them worth while. Apparently too few IT managers are willing to evaluate good projects, and almost no one i've met is willing to let their people use community service and professional projects as a way to judge skills as a alternative to certificates.

I would also like to say that on projects like Interop, that my experience is that my learning is exponential in comparison to traditional classes. I also learn better because there are large and immediate ramifications to the quality of my work on such projects.

Well i'm done venting...

Brian chee

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Are we really remembering what those in uniform really do for us?

On this Memorial day we sit back in our armchairs watching television, grilling, and other fun things. However we still have a whole lot of people in uniform out in harms ways. But wait, not everyone in harms way is in uniform. For every person out on the sharp point of the stick is literally hundreds of civilians and non-combatant military working towards supporting our way of life.

I'd like everyone, even those who aren't American citizens to stop and think about those that help keep us all safe...give thanks to them on this Memorial Day.

Brian chee

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Zagat for iPad

The age old question is all the harder to answer if you're not familiar with the city. I've used AAA tour books, and the paper versions of restaurant guides...but just thumbing through a guide means you tend to lean towards the first thing you find.

Friday, May 21, 2010

The road of broken promises in the world of long term storage

Anyone that has been in the IT biz for any length of time have seen the sorrow of lost datasets on storage media no longer supported. 8" floppies, 5.25" floppies, 9 track tapes, 14" or 5.25" optical worm drives...the landfills are filled with the skeletons of a multitude of "long term storage systems".

The challenge is really about identifying the next storage technology in time to budget for conversion. It also means that you need to make darn sure the data is worth migrating. Is it because of a regulatory issue like sarbox, or is the data of something that could never be reproduced?

Is Holographic Versatile Disks the next thing?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Honolulu, Hawaii, USA

We're being translated to Portugese

So while the book on Cloud Computing that Curt Franklin and I wrote together is selling well; it has recently been contracted by a Brazilian publisher to translate it into Portuguese for sale into the south American markets. We are stunned and pleased, especially as Taylor & Francis (crc press) is heading towards sending us a contract for a second book on cloud security.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Hello World

So even after setting up dozens of blogs, wikis, etc for work...this is my very first personal blog. I get to pontificate about things i like, dislike, stumbled over, or went gaga over.

This is also where i'm going to post my predictions of where I think technology is moving to.

Brian "Cheebert" Chee

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Location:Kaneohe, Hawaii, USA